monday musings.
1. The birthday weekend was a success. We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant C has been wanting to try and he got his mamma’s special birthday cake. Happy guy.

2. We started watching Mad Men. 5 episodes into season 1 and we’re already obsessed. We thought Netflix only had 1 season…but we just realized they are all on there…streaming instantly. Pure, enjoyable, 1960’s bliss…
3. It’s almost February which means my birth month is almost upon on. Golden birthday this year!
4. Our ski trip to Breckenridge is only 10 days away! 12 hour car ride…here I come!
5. I have seriously considered bringing slippers to work and leaving them under my desk. No one would notice if I slipped my feet into them while I was working…would they?
6. I’m currently on a shopping freeze. No explanation needed.
7. I need an excuse to make these.
8. Trader Joe’s is coming…
9. I found the Buried Bauble last week and I’m loving my new bracelet.