monday musings.

>> There's been a lot of cooking happening around these parts and it hasn't all come from me! I made Snickerdoodle {Paleo} Muffins and Cauliflower Bisque and then C treated me to a homecooked meal of prawn linguinie (a la Jamie Oliver)!
>> Did you see my post about C throwing our tree out the window? GENIUS! It didn't make a mess through the whole house and it made the tree-taking-down process a sinch!
>> The weather has been insane around these parts so I'm glad I'm well equipped with some pretty amazing christmas presents like bean boots (so cute!) and hunter wellies.
>> I finally snagged a copy of Relish by Daphne Oz (Dr. Oz's daughter!) and I'm in love. Not only does she feature great recipes, there's tons of other tips/tricks. I really loved her "staples" shopping list.
>> I'm back at it with Barre3 and I'm really excited about enrolling in #28togreat! I love that it features a workout plan for each day along with a meal plan (WITH RECIPES!). It couldn't be easier and I love checking off each day that I complete.
>> C had an amazing quarter at Yale and I'm really just so proud of him. I wanted to keep track of all these little "happy" memories from 2014 so I decided to start a "Happy Jar". It's just a vase we keep out in the living room and anytime there is a happy event, comment, thought, fun thing, we write it down and put it in the jar. At the end of the year, it will be so fun to look back and remember all the positive things about the year! My theme for 2014 is POSITIVITEY!
>> I've been really enjoying this primer after finally being convinced that I should add it to my beauty routine. Primer kinda seems like a waste but I really do think it works to smooth my skin and create a good base for my tinted moisturizer. But at the recommendation of a friend, I got a sample of this primer and I think I like it even more.
>> I'm getting really excited because we finally booked our trip to Athens & Istanbul in March. C has an International Experience trip to Israel with his program but he has several days off before the program starts so we're taking a little pre-trip. This trip is really pushing us outside of our comfort zone since there will be a different language, currency, customs etc. I'm really hoping to snag one of these guys for my birthday so that I can track all the walking we're planning on doing!
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