monday musings.
1. The commercials are obviously more fun than game itself. I didn’t get to see all of them, but my favorite one (that I saw) was this.

2. What was with that halftime show? I can’t decide if it was blow-your-mind-amazing or out-of-this-world-ridiculous. Also, you can’t just demand “World Peace” and expect that to fix everything. Valiant effort Madonna.
3. So this ski trip…I totally forgot about the ski lifts. The whole sit in an unsecured swinging metal cage 200 ft above the ground thing is…well…terrifying. Can I use the tow-rope?
4. Last week, I shared a pizza and a bottle of wine with these beautiful (engaged!) ladies. It’s such a blessing to have these amazing, encouraging women in my life.

5. I ran again this morning! 6am never felt so good…dare I say it…I could get used to this.
6. MAD MEN is amazing. We are totally and completely addicted. Don Draper, I would gladly work for you. Betty, why are you becoming such a bitch? Peggy, stop, please stop, wearing your hair in that spiral pony tail and can someone PLEASE brush your bangs! Poor Rachel Menken…you’re never going to get Don to yourself.
7. I cancelled my cable last week. Saving $80 a month. Instead, I got the cables to hook up my computer to my TV so I can watch Hulu. Works like a charm. Between that and Apple TV (which we watch Netflix on) I’m totally set.
8. We showed up to church all ready to go and set with our coffee at…11:30am yesterday…however, church starts at 11am. So we went and had chicken & waffles (which they only serve on Sundays) at Hattie’s instead. Yum!
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