
hey guys, remember that time I told you that I was saving up to buy a bike? Then remember how I didn’t even ride it? Yea, so then I got a puppy for 24 hours (did I temporarily lose my mind?) and sold the bike to pay for the puppy. Not one of my finest moments…I’ll admit.

But see, C is very athletic, triathlons and all. I can’t keep up with him when we’re running so we shifted our focus to biking! I figured I was ready to give this whole bike riding thing another go. So, over the past few months, we did out research and test road a plethora (love that word) of bikes. My obvious first priority was color. C was looking for technical specifications. I’m very lucky to have his knowledgeable advice. We finally settled on a bike but then hemmed and hawed over whether cycling was right for me. Let’s be honest here people, we know how I feel about…exercise. But, I figured this would be something I would have for a long time and something that C and I could do together!

Last night, I took the plunge and purchased the bike (and helmet and pedals and shoes and gloves…oh and those AWFUL spandex diapers otherwise known as cycling shorts…gross). Now I know this is NOT a sport about fashion, but come on, can’t they make these “shorts” a little more flattering, but that seat is so dang uncomfortable…so I’m sure I’ll be happy I have these spandex diapers.

After I practiced “clipping in” on the trainer, I was measured and fit for the bike. And to my surprise, I was actually told that I looked athletic and that I looked great on the bike! Yay me! Maybe this is my calling?

C and I have plans to hit the road on Saturday and take on White Rock Lake. Please say a little prayer that I don’t crash!

PS. Why does EVERYONE look so dorky in a helmet?

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